Tuesday, November 22, 2016

An Introduction.

Welcome to The Magic Railroad Adventures' blog page. 

For those of you who are familiar with me I am known by my popular YouTube channel name: 1995express. I am well known for interacting with other YouTubers, answering questions, sharing ideas and concepts, creating sound effect videos, audio readings of books, and of course, my first venture into making my own fan-made Thomas series: The Magic Railroad Adventures Prologue ~The Beginning. So much has developed since then with all of the videos I have uploaded, making a Facebook page and Twitter account to be more socially interactive with others and helping to support petitions for the Director's Cut release of Thomas and the Magic Railroad. However with the growing amount of projects that have also accumulated over the years it's become harder for me to keep everyone updated on my YouTube videos and even my Facebook and Twitter pages. So I've created this blog to help ease my way through updating everyone about what I'm up to. 

My updates on this blog will cover anything and everything related to The Magic Railroad Adventures, from models to artworks to ideas and concepts to new videos (no spoilers included). There may be some posts that are not in relation to The Magic Railroad Adventures that might appear but the main focus of this blog is on The Magic Railroad Adventures. 

I hope that you can all enjoy this new blog and remember: be polite and considerate towards each other and myself. Any misbehavior will not be acceptable. Stay tuned! 

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